Club Championships - More Details

Dear Members,

As you may have seen on the web site or on Facebook, we are holding our annual club championship on Sunday 4th November 2018.

A few more details: (rules subject to change and will be confirmed at the safety briefing)

·         We will have a course with 20 3-D targets set out

·         Competitors will shoot round twice

·         Each target will have 2 pegs – one being shot first time round and the other being shot second time round

·         A second arrow may be shot from the same peg only if the first misses – i.e. max 2 arrows per target.

·         Arrangements for junior pegs still to be finalised – it depends on how many juniors there are likely to be.

·         Normal scoring will apply – i.e. 24/20/16 (first arrow) or 14/10 (second arrow)

·         Registration will open at 08:00

·         Safety briefing will be held at 09:00 so we can start shooting at 09:30 prompt.

·         The competition is open to all Fleet Ibex members paid up for 2018 – 2019. Sorry, we have to be strict over this – I’ll have a list of current members with me!

·         Entry will be free of charge

·         There will be medals awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each NFAS bow class and an overall winner determined on a handicap basis.

·         There will be tea and coffee making facilities (free of charge) but, I’m afraid, no catering so bring your own food.

This is an ideal opportunity to meet other members and, if you are new to competing, an ideal way to see how a competition works.

It is not essential to pre-book your entry – you can just turn up on the day provided you arrive in time to register and attend the safety briefing. However, if you want to nominate who you would like to shoot with, let me know beforehand. Although I’ll do my best, I cannot guarantee you’ll be shooting together if you just turn up – I may need to split up groups to even out the numbers.

To let me know if you are attending and / or to let me know what groups you’d like to shoot with, email me with details at

Paul Harding

Fleet Ibex Membership Secretary